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About Us

Our journey began more than a decade ago when we crossed paths at SuperDimension, a small Israeli startup. Little did we anticipate that this humble company would not only be acquired by Covidien but also become a disruptive force in the pulmonary field. Our impact extended beyond altering physician practices; it touched the lives of patients as well. Today, the navigational bronchoscopy landscape has evolved from a single player to five major companies.


We share this story to highlight the genesis of our relationship and the subsequent journey we embarked on, guiding startups from mere concepts on napkins to multimillion-dollar enterprises. Our experience since SuperDimension has seen us navigate through numerous startups, some successful and others not as fortunate. What became evident is that hospitals seek comprehensive programs, not just another "me too" product.

We initiated programs for various medical conditions, including ablation programs for women with menorrhagia, liver and pancreas ablation programs, spine programs, lung cancer screening programs, and bariatric programs, among others. Furthermore, we've discerned a gap between perception and reality in the startup world.


Driven by our commitment to aiding hospitals in adopting the right technologies and ensuring that patients receive the care they deserve, coupled with our entrepreneurial spirit, we have launched Go2Market-AI.


Our goals are to help hospitals with their AI strategies using the knowledge we have gained over the course of our careers, help companies commercialize fast in the US eliminating unnecessary cost and resources and help investors make smart investments into companies who really have their crap together. Our failures have only made us better and we are ready to take our past failures and successes to help others!

We Provide Valuable Guidance

Proven Strategies to Expand, Evolve and Grow

Access to our Doctor Network in Many Disciplines

Hospital Exec Connect

Access to Hospital Executives

A Sampling of our Services

KOL Development | Round Table Blue Print | Product Development
Building Beta Sites | Market Segmentation | Sales Strategy | Hospital Executive Strategies  
Clinical Workflows | Innovate IDN Strategies

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